Book Appointment
View The ShowFlat @ Affinity at Serangoon & Get Direct Developer Discount

It is important to only engage the Official Direct Developer Sales Team to assist you on all matters related to the new launch condominium Affinity at Serangoon. There are several complex procedures and key factors to consider before committing to purchase a unit. Rest assured that all our representatives are certified, well-trained and committed to deliver and value-add.
By engaging the Official Direct Developer Sales Team, you will also enjoy additional 5% discount. There is no commission required to be paid.
Viewing of our ShowFlat is by appointment only. Register for an appointment below. Our friendly appointed representative will get back to you as soon as we can.
Important Note: To book a unit, please call 6888 8888 to tentatively reserve your choice unit before coming down to the showflat to avoid disappointment. Units are selling fast and are based on first come first serve basis. If you wish to visit the showflat first before making a decision, kindly book an appointment via the form below before coming down.